Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nibong Tebal Curry Prawn & Datuk Ali "Birthday" Prayers

Dear All,

Tell you what, actually hor... last Saturday hor.... some of us when for Curry Prawn at Nibong Tebal. PCC receive some e-mail recommend this place, so we when there to check it out. Since U U is not feeling well and Uncle S having a lunch date with his beloved wife... only me, snoopy, PCC and C King Kong when there... LLD & CCD may joined us next time ya.... we go test it first. If really "ho liau" then we go again ya.... ;P

This is the one... doesn't look like a restaurant at all...

If you see this, it mean you are at the right place.....

That the name of the restaurant... better come early, if not need to wait for the table like we do...

Sugar cane juice.... very refreshing

Add some ice... lagi refreshing... hehehe...

Our first dish... sweet n sour fish... yummy

You can choose to eat with bread or rice... so we have both...

"It hot.. hot... hot...." say PCC

This is the famous curry prawn that we come for... unfortunately the big head prawn is out of stock....

Steam prawn... yummy

omelet... my favourite

Light fried vege...

Let me introduce... this is our Fly Hunter... main weapon is tissue box. Hahaha.....

Old man acting like a child.... hahahaha... C King Kong don't angry ar, kidding only... ;)

" Hurry up and snap, I can't wait to eat this prawn d.... " say C King Kong


After a while.. all licin.....
Conclusion, the dish is OK. What make it special is because of the bread. It good for a change. :)
Yesterday (30th May) is Datuk Ali birthday. So we do some kenduri prayers for him. Here is the photos.... May Datuk Ali bless us all.....


That all for today... until next time... :)

PMM Candid Camera

Hello All,

It been a few months since our last posting here. I can see many mushroom grow all over my keyboard already when I decide to upload this posting today. Hehehe... maybe we can have a mushroom soup later on.... ;P Since everybody is busy, we are not able to organise any group gathering at the moment. However, just to keep this blog alive let see some candid that I manage to capture while our members busy doing their job... smile, candid camera is here. ;P

We start with C King Kong (used your imagination ya): C King Kong is very concentrate lifting the machine using is mind power.....

"Everybody push........ "

"There gone all our energy...." say Uncle S & C King Kong. Good job everyone.. ;)

Can't miss this action. C King Kong trying to create Malaysia Book of Record by pushing the container using his bare hand....

U U and Uncle S take a time off. Still can smile after a hard work. Big clap for all of them.... ;)

"C King Kong u better jump out of the container now, I want to close the door d.... " say U U

Closing ceremony.....

Secure the door...

Another chapter close....

And the winner is.... Uncle S. yeah.....

Uncle S show off his papaya trophy...
I hope this little post can bring smile on your face... until our next posting.. take care and love you all.... ;)